Identify Controllable Weeds


Chickweed is a winter annual. Stems are multi-branched, creeping, or ascending. The plants will spread 4 to 12 inches tall. It has small, smooth egg-shaped leaves opposite from one another. The flowers are star-shaped with five deeply notched white pedals. This weed is easily controlled with broadleaf herbicide.


Clover is a weed composed of three round leaflets at the top of a hairy leaf stalk which grows 2 to 4 inches tall. The leaf stalks sprout up with white or pinkish flowers ½ inch in size. Clover is easily controlled with herbicide.


Dandelion is a perennial with yellow flowers and a “puff-ball” seedhead. Dandelion is one of the most common and problematic weeds of turfgrass and lawns throughout the United States. It is easily control with a broadleaf herbicide.

Dollar Weed

Dollar Weed is a water loving perennial which grows rapidly under warm conditions. Its leaves are circular, bright green, and have scalloped edges. This weed is easily controlled with herbicide.


Henbit is a winter annual. The stems are square, 4 to 6 inches tall, and nearly smooth. The leaves are slightly hairy, rounded in outline, edges deeply scalloped and opposite of each other. It sometimes produces purple or reddish purple flowers. Henbit is easily controlled with a broadleaf herbicide.

Yellow Woodsorrel

Yellow Woodsorrel has foliage that resembles that of clover or oxalis. The flowers of Yellow Woodsorrel are bright yellow, measure approximately 1/2 of an inch, and are made up of five petals. The plant forms thick clumps in open ground such as lawns and flower beds. It is difficult to control without damaging your lawn.

Virginia Buttonweed

Virginia Buttonweed is a perennial weed that has a woody root crown that forms a coarse mat of vegetation from fuzzy, branching stems. It has smooth dark-green leaves an inch or more long, opposite each other along the stems with flowers small and white. To gain control, more than one treatment is usually required.

Poa Annua

Poa Annua (also called Annual Bluegrass) is a winter annual. The stems are 3 to 6 inches tall, flattened, attached at the base. The leaves are very soft, light green, and the tips are boat-shaped. Poa Annua can be reduced with proper pre-emerge herbicide. The weeds will subside as temperatures rise.


Nutsedge is also known as nutgrass or swampgrass and is not a broadleaf weed or a grassy weed, but a sedge. It is a perennial plant that can be easily identified by the triangular shape of the stem. The leaves are light green to yellowish and are very slick or waxy to the touch. Nutsedge grows most actively during the hot summer months. During spring and fall, when temperatures are cooler and growth is slower, nutsedge is not as easily noticed. 


Purslane is a summer annual. Stems are succulent, smooth, reddish, branched, and the plant forms a mat in lawns. Leaves alternate or clustered, are juicy, smooth, and thick. Flowers are small and yellow. It is drought resistant and is difficult to control using herbicide without damaging the lawn.


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