What is Brown Patch?
Brown patch is a fungus that attacks primarily St. Augustinegrass in the fall. Brown patch does not kill the grass but it does cause the grass to have large unattractive brown circles which will not recover until the following season when the grass is again growing.
Note: If you have had Brown Patch in the past, chances are high that your lawn will develop the disease every fall.
How do we treat?
When brown patch is present in your lawn, we apply a systemic fungicide to the infected areas. BUT, we do not treat the entire lawn as we do with our Brown Patch Reduction Program. The reduction program consists of 3 full lawn applications approximately 3-4 weeks apart, usually beginning in late September or early October.
However, this year has been a hot, wet summer extending into early fall. We begin our treatments when the temperatures sustain lower nightly temps. This is when the fungus can become active and the treatments will be effective.