Lawn Insects & Diseases
Brown Patch
Brown patch is a fungus that attacks St. Augustinegrass in the fall and is treated with a fungicide. It does not kill the grass, but it does cause large unattractive brown circles. The affected areas will slowly recover the next spring when the grass is growing rapidly. If you have experienced brown patch in the past, chances are high that your lawn will develop the disease every fall.
Gray Leaf Spot
Leaf spots first appear as tiny brown to ash-colored spots with purple to brown margins that enlarge and become elongated or diamond-shaped. Sections of the leaf blade will also turn yellow. In severe cases, lesions develop on stems and spikes, and the leaves wither and die. Turfgrass may have a burned or scorched appearance resulting from death or spotting of the leaf blades. Leaf spot is treated with a fungicide.
Take All Patch
Early symptoms appear yellowing and thinning turf in circular or irregular patches. The roots are often short, blackened and rotten. The grass stems (stolons) can often be lifted from the soil due to the poor root system. The yellowing grass blades eventually die and become brown, followed by stolon death. The disease is treated with good watering practices and an application of sulfur.
Chinch Bugs
This pest is a sunshine-loving insect and seldom attacks grass in the dense shady areas. Chinch bugs are commonly seen in June through August and are treated with an insecticide for control. The chinch bugs suck the plant juices and releases a toxin that causes yellowish to brownish patches in the lawn. The most common areas to begin to see chinch bug damage is along a driveway, curb, sidewalk or foundation of a home due to the heat emitted from such objects.
Fire Ants
Fire ants are known for their lively and aggressive behavior, swarming over anyone or anything that disturbs their nest. When disturbed, fire ants emerge aggressively and sting. Their sting usually leaves a white pustule on the skin. Fire ants can be in your lawn and landscape even when you do not have visible mounds present. Greenup offers a very effective fire ant control program that is guaranteed for one full year.
Grub Worms
Grub worms are the larval stage of the June beetles. This insect feeds on the root system of turfgrass and plants. They seldom damage shrubs, but they can cause significant damage to the lawn. Damage to turfgrass usually starts to appear in late summer or early fall. Symptoms of damage will be browning of the turf and the ability to lift up the damaged area as if it were carpet. This pest is treated with a specialized insecticide.
Sod Webworms
Sod webworms are caterpillars of small brown to dull gray moths. Damaged grass blades appear notched on sides and are chewed raggedly. Irregular brown spots are the first signs of damage. Damage tends to become visible in mid to late summer. This pest is treated with an insecticide.