Fire Ant Control
Guaranteed For One Full Year
Greenup offers an affordable fire ant control program for the red imported fire ant which is guaranteed for one full year. Should you have a reinfestation of fire ants within the year, we will return and retreat your lawn and landscape at no charge. Fire ants can be in your lawn and landscape even when you do not have visible mounds present.

By using our fire ant control treatment for your lawn and landscape, not only will the treatment kill the mound but also the Queen... and that will destroy the colony. Mounds will die, not just move to another area of your property. Also by using our program, you will eliminate the need to purchase and apply chemicals to control these pests yourself!
Let us do the work and you enjoy your outdoor fun with your friends and family! Just call our office for a free price quote on this valuable program. Ask our staff how you can save $20 on your Fire Ant Control Program!