Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to call for each treatment?
A: No. Greenup is a continuous service. Your treatments are automatically scheduled, usually between 5-7 weeks apart in the spring and summer months. The fall and winter treatments are approximately 5-6 weeks apart.
Q: Do I have to water immediately after each treatment?
A: No. Greenup uses a high quality sustained release fertilizer which does not have to be watered immediately.
Q: How quickly will my lawn start to green up?
A: Greenup uses a slow release nitrogen in our applications. This means you will not have an instant green lawn one week after the application. The slow release fertilizer is better for the lawn and shrubs root systems and provides for a healthier plant. You can expect visual results on your lawn in 2-4 weeks in most cases.
A: Greenup uses a slow release nitrogen in our applications. This means you will not have an instant green lawn one week after the application. The slow release fertilizer is better for the lawn and shrubs root systems and provides for a healthier plant. You can expect visual results on your lawn in 2-4 weeks in most cases.
Q: Will bagging my clippings pick up all the fertilizer?
A: No. The liquid treatment applied to the lawn rolls off the top leaves of the grass into the soil. The placement of the fertilizer is below the mowing height of the lawn.
Q: Will all the fertilizer be washed from my yard if it rains?
A: No. When it rains, Greenup’s slow release fertilizer will still be in the grass no matter how hard or how much it rains. The first 20 minutes of any rainfall moves the fertilizer into the soil.
Q: How much and when should I water my lawn?
A: Proper watering is essential for a healthy, lush lawn. Either through rainfall or supplemental watering, your lawn needs ¾ inches of water per week in the spring and fall, and 1½ inches of water per week when the temperatures reach into the mid-to-high 90's. It is best to water in the early morning between 5:00am to about 10:00 am. Deep soaking is important because it encourages development of a deep root system. Deep-rooted grass has a greater supply of water to draw from and is healthier. Grass watered with light sprinklings develop a shallow root system, resulting in weaker, drought-prone grass!
Q: What are the symptoms of thirsty turf?
A: Light green or grayish color, wilting in early stages. Off-colored, yellow or brown grass from long drought. Retarded growth and thinner grass. Increased disease and insect damage.
Q: What can be done for bare soil areas?
A: Chances are your lawn covers a pretty large part of your property. However, in many landscapes there are some spots where, for one reason or another, grass just will not grow. One of the easiest ways to manage a bare soil area is to plant some sort of ground cover. In our area, English Ivy, Asiatic Jasmine, or Hosta, will grow in shaded areas with little care.
Q: What is the proper mowing practice for St. Augustine grass?
A: St. Augustine grass should be cut to 2 ½ to 3 inches. Grass should be mowed frequently so that no more than one-third of the grass blade is removed. Mower maintenance is also important. A dull mower blade will shred the grass blades, producing a poor appearance.
Q: Should I mulch or bag my clippings?
A: Grass clippings should be allowed to remain on the lawn to recycle plant nutrients. Clippings should be removed only when the grass has been allowed to grow too tall and clumps of grass remain following mowing. Be aware that many homeowners are facing new laws that prohibit the disposal of yard waste in regular landfills.
Q: Do I have to pay extra for service calls?
A: Greenup offers free service calls if the full 8-treatment program is taken. However, we cannot guarantee results if you do not take the full program.
Q: Does Greenup offer any discounts or match competitors prices?
A: Greenup offers a 10% prepayment discount for the full 8 treatment program. We can offer a refund for unused treatments, but the performed treatments will revert back to the full price when calculating refunds. We do not match our competitions prices because of the high quality of our products and the expertise of our technicians.
Q. Does Greenup do any type of lawn maintenance, i.e., mowing or landscaping?
A. No, Greenup only fertilizes lawn and shrubs, and controls diseases or pests that damage the lawns.