Best flowwers to plant in Texas summers.

What are the best flowers to plant in Texas to survive the summer heat?

Hibiscus  The first image that comes to mind when you imagine a tropical rainforest is hibiscus blossoms. They do require higher temperatures with adequate humidity. Our Texas coast certainly provides the heat and humidity!

Lantana   The lantana makes the ideal companion plant for outdoor beds with its luscious red, orange, yellow, pink, or lavender blossoms. Lantana prefers hot, humid weather because it is a native of the tropics and thrives in moist, well-draining soil. It can overcome drought conditions which is perfect for our Texas summer weather!

Salvia  Beautiful native Texas plant, Salvia Farinacea, is simple to grow, great for drawing hummingbirds and butterflies, and is drought-tolerant.  It can grow from 2 to 3 feet tall.  Its flowering spires are blueish or purplish-blue color. This is a low maintenance plant and has the ability to endure heat, drought, and humidity.  Another great choice for our Texas heat!

Plumbago   Cape Plumbago is one of Texas' more well-known spring/summer  flowers. It blooms abundantly from April/May until the first frost. Plumbago can withstand the summer Texas heat and humidity. It also attracts a variety of butterflies.


Pentas   Pentas are recognized for their star-shaped flowers in various colors; pink, red, white, and purple. The blooms provide nectar for hummingbirds and bees. This plant can withstand the severe heat despite appearing delicate. They best thrive under extremely bright sunlight.


Purslane   Purslane is in the succulent family that does well in hot, humid weather, making it the ideal flowering annual for Texas' hot, humid weather! The blossoms are cup-shaped and come in vibrant pinks, reds, and yellows, as well as other colors. These are also ideal for container gardening.


Vinca/Periwinkle   What's not to love about the Vinca? One of Vinca's claim to fame is its ability to withstand the hottest summer days. They come in a variety of colors and add beauty to any outdoor flower gardens. These are also ideal for container gardening.

Zinnias   Zinnias are one of the few spring/summer flowers that can be planted in early summer and still blossom and grow. However, you can plant them in the spring to give them a head start. The sun-loving, quick-blooming zinnias create daisy-like flowers.  Bees also love this flower.  Zinnias can withstand the heat and drought.  Just be careful not to over water because the roots can be susceptible to root rot if the soil becomes too damp.


Marigolds   Hardy marigolds tolerate heat well, are simple to cultivate in poor soil, and have beautiful blooms. While most plants are complaining about the high heat in the summer, the marigold is happy and in full bloom. Their main colors are cherry orange and yellow gold. 


Coneflowers   The ideal flower to grow anywhere in your yard or garden is the coneflower. They are a low-maintenance perennial with vibrant flowers. They have blooms that come back from year to year, and can withstand the heat and drought. The pests that can harm or destroy this plant are Japanese beetles, aphids, and mites.  These can be treated if found in time.



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