Why fertilize in the winter?

Why do we continue to fertilize in the winter?

Fertilizing your lawn in the winter can help it withstand the colder weather and have a head start for the spring growing season.  Some benefits of fertilizing in the winter:

Creating a stronger root systemA stronger root system can help your lawn withstand drought, diseases, and insects.

Better recovery from the winter damageFertilizing in the winter months can help your lawn recover more quickly from the cold temperatures and possible below freezing temperatures we sometimes get in January/February in Texas.

Earlier spring greening upFertilizing in the winter can help your lawn green up earlier in the spring and maintain its green color through the early fall.

Improved disease resistanceFertilizing in the winter can help increase your lawn's disease resistance.

Our winterizer treatments consist of stabilized nitrogen and our probiotic, ByoSpxtrum.  These treatments are designed to help maintain the healthy condition of the lawn and to prepare it for winter.  Stabilized nitrogen is an important ingredient of our program because it does not promote rapid leaf growth at the expense of the root system.

How can you prepare your lawn for winter?

There are several things that you can do to prepare your lawn for the winter this year. Keeping the mowing height up will help insulate the grass from damaging freezes. We recommend to our customers who have an irrigation system that they should turn it off during the months of December, January, and February. You should only water as needed during this time. Usually we receive enough rainfall that the lawns do not need to be irrigated. Over-watering the landscape can cause stress-related problems that will affect the health of the plants during the up-coming growing season.

Just remember when it comes to watering in the winter.... more is NOT always better. The grass is in dormancy and doesn't need all the extra moisture. Monitor your shrubs and water when necessary because their root systems have different requirements than the turf grass.

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